Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Flies On The Wall #31



kb said...

Yeah, it's a good thing Ghouli's gone, Nit & McCaint were relatively sane by comparison. If he'll just stay away now...

Kudos to the fly-on-the-wall concept! Should be in a newspaper!

AmericanGoy said...

Huck is crazy, as in xtian taliban crazy - but he is a populist candidate (i.e. no lobby money really wants him to win).

McCain seems very nutty - as in certifiably crazy (what candidate would sing "bomb bomb bomb iran"? A crazy one...)

mishkabear said...

As I look at the deranged lunatics that are the current GOP candidates I can't help but feel some satisfaction that at least now Republicans understand how Democrats felt during more than one election in the last few years. It's always good to turn the sock inside out for another look.