1. In order to control a population you need to make them ignorant and obedient with programs like "No Child Left Behind" that rewards cronyism at the expense of education. You need to make religion a baseline to quality for dollars like in "Faith Based Initiatives." This assures that a poor black neighborhood with lots of Liberal, religiously diverse residents is going to get far less funding than a white Texas suburb that voted the party line for a generation or two and says howdy to you in church on Sunday. The cronyism comes in the form of awarding (Neil Bush) contracts to provide the software that spews out the message you want to perpetuate such as war is good, Democrats are bad, homosexuals need to die unless they join the Republican party and don't get caught in public bathrooms with their pants down. Sometimes it's as simple as using the same kind of tricks that made voting machines malfunction only in heavily Democratic precincts. Or making all the bad guys dark and swarthy and speaking bad English and all the heroes blond, blue-eyed and church going and clicking their heels together whenever they see a swastika. A picture is worth more than a thousand words to an illiterate and poorly educated society as the Fascists found out and put their own disgusting use.
2. It's not enough to control the school system so that most of the graduates can't find places like Iraq on a world map. You also have to get them once they move to the world outside school. The most effective way to do that is by dumbing down the information they take in after leaving the indoctrination pit that is school these days. You do this by making blockbuster successes of movies that glorify being stupid. (Dumb and Dumber, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, George Bush) You do this by reducing critical information into soundbites that can be broadcast over and over again until people actually believe it is news that Britney Spears doesn't wear underpants.
You do this by having such a rigid control over the book publishing industry that only the most mediocre of authors enjoy success. (Pop Psychology get rick quick books about dogs who talk to Jesus) You do this by making fun of people who are intelligent, who look smart, who can put a sentence together without an uh or a gosh or a shucks or a fucking this and fucking that. (Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter) You attack and belittle those who actually served in the military (Cleland, Murtha, Kerry) in favor of the chickenhawks (Bush, Cheney, Neo-cons) so everyone will believe war is wonderful and necessary rather than the ultimate failure of a culture and its people.
But most of all you study how all this worked on demonizing the Jews, the Gypsies, the Homosexuals, the Communists, the Atheists. You can study how the Fascists-Nazis accomplished this and then you change the words from Jew to Arab, Gypsies to the poor, sexual orientation to something with "an agenda," Communists/Liberals/Democrats as Darth Vader minions, and Atheists as a population dismissed as not worthy of equal rights by morons who can't even spell the word.
3. Those are the basics but in order to get cannon fodder for wars that make your munitions buddies wealthy and allow you to steal everything that isn't nailed down you have to demonize everything that is a threat to that. You start with the kind of religious fanaticism that outlaws abortion, especially for the poor, because they are the ones who will provide the soldiers you need to die in your wars. You make them go through religious ceremonies called "marriage" so you can control how they mate and with whom. You put restrictions on sex because throughout time those who wished to control others understood that was the only time people were beyond their control. You make free speech a crime because it can be used to dispute any lies you want to spread around. You hire desperate people to post propaganda on the Internet, in newspapers, on television so the truth won't be the only facts out there. You make protests take place in cages called "Free Speech Zones" so when the jackbooted thugs come calling, they find everyone conveniently in one place. And when everyone is in one place, you can beat, kill, stomp and abuse them away from the prying eyes of witnesses.
And you start drugging the population early by raising kids on Ritalin so they grow up with a taste for Meth and other nerve pounders. After all, it was the Nazis who took full advantage of the hatemongering, warlike tendencies of the drug and whose studies were incorporated into today's military that sends young kids out into battle wired to indifference and seething with rage at something, anything. And in honor of the historical significance of brainwashed, jackbooted youth, you blast Wagner at them once again. And for the folks back home and the basket cases that come back forever damaged from your wars, you create a huge market demand for Prozac and other drugs that take away any objections to the horrors committed by your own government.
But none of this works, none of this will penetrate the masses enough to be controlled unless you inflict them with the ultimate weapon to be used against them and to help further your own agenda: you make them live in fear, in complete terror of the government, in total subjugation to your demands. You humiliate them by making them stand in an airport line holding their shoes in their hands. You monitor them by making them have mandatory identification (driver's license, state identification card, passport, social security number) whenever you demand they present it...or pay huge fines, get turned away, or other wise punished for daring to step foot outside their homes without "Your papers please." You do everything you can to scare them into complete and total obedience because anything less and they will turn on you.
And that is why what Bushco is doing is so dangerous. Through their actions and through our inaction, they are indoctrinating and creating future generations who will never protest, who will go along with daddy government, and who will go marching off to war drugged to the gills and pounding their empty little chests.
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